The world is changing, with rapidly emerging opportunities for innovation!
At the ASMS, we’re constantly trying new ways of adapting our curriculum to the 21st century. One of our Central Studies is called ‘Dream, Design, Develop’ (3Ds), an interdisciplinary subject that integrates Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics with an emphasis on ‘Entrepreneurship’.
With rapidly emerging technologies and the fast-paced world we live in, opportunities for innovation are abundant, and this subject enables our students to gain and practice the 21st century skills necessary to innovate. Students were introduced to 3Ds by engaging them with ‘Big World Problems of Our Age’, and giving them ‘idea generation methods for designing solutions’. Four months later, some are working on addressing sustainability problems through their designs, while others are solving small design problems that affect everyday life.
3D's Expo Thursday
May 31, 2018
10:00 am - 11:00 am -
3D's Expo Tuesday
June 5, 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Venue: Australian Science and Mathematics School
Venue Phone: (08) 8201 5686
ASMS Professional Learning services is made available to Department for Education schools at no charge. Independent schools may incur a charge for these services.
The ASMS is located adjacent Carpark 18 of the Sturt Precinct of Flinders University Bedford Park Campus. See Map of Flinders University
Cashless paid parking is available at Flinders University between 9am and 5pm. Short term 2 hour parking is available in Carpark 13 using a credit/debit card using parking machine located in the carpark and day parking in Carpark 18, 16, 20 and 14 by using the CellOPark App only.
The ASMS is accessible by public transport, please check the Adelaide Metro website for timetable and route information.